Sunday Rides – 2025

Sun 12 JanPeter Wood
Day RideWistowPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 26 JanRob Hartridge 0422114225CANCELLED due to heatMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 9 FebRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideLittlehamptonTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 23 FebPeter Wood
Day RideMt TorrensPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 9 MarPeter Wood
Day Ride -At this stage, ride is on, but may be shortenened due to heat.MeadowsMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 23 MarBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 6 AprPeter Wood
Day RideBalhannahPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 20 AprRob Hartridge 0422114225Day Ride – BBQ at Rob & Judy’s place.Forest RangeMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 4 MayBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 18 MayRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideStrathalbynPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 1 JunRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideAngastonMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 15 JunBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 29 JunRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideLobethalPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 13 JulRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideClarendonMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 27 JulBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 10 AugRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideCharlestonPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 24 AugRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideGawlerMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 7 SepBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 14 Sep5 Captains RideTailem BendMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 21 SepRob Hartridge 0422114225Day Ride to Freene’s for lunchSt MarysPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 5 OctRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RideFinnisMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 19 OctBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 2 NovPeter SellenDay Ride to Sellen’s for BBQ.FreelingPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Sun 16 NovPeter Wood
Day RideLyndochMcDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gardens
Sun 30 NovBrenton George 0432535163Day RideTop of Taps, Victoria Hotel, OHalloran Hill
Sun 14 DecRob Hartridge 0422114225Day RidePt ElliotPelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
Last updated 11/02/25

Depart from: three locations on rotation:
Victoria Hotel, Main South Rd, O’Halloran Hill
McDonalds, 303 Magill Rd, Trinity Gdns
Pelican Plaza, 1007 North East Rd, Modbury
All rides leave at 9:30 am. To see the departure location please refer to the Rides Calendar above or the Events Calendar.
If the forecast temperature is 37 degrees or over, the ride will be cancelled.

Depart from:
1st, 2nd, 5th Wednesday of the month

Feathers Hotel, 516 Glynburn Rd, Burnside

3rd, 4th Wednesday of the month
Victoria Hotel, Main South Rd, O’Halloran Hill

All rides leave at 10:30am. Please refer to the Events Calendar

Riders please be advised that arriving 15 minutes prior to the start time is crucial to hear the Ride Captains briefing. It is also important to have a full tank of fuel and be familiar with the Ride Protocol. Our rides are meant to be enjoyable and include social activities such as morning tea and lunch. We welcome new riders and expect them to ride to their ability. The ride will adjust accordingly.

1. Ride Leader will brief riders, where the ride is going, where the breaks are going to be and who is Tail-end Charlie (TEC).
2. Corner Marshals to remain on corners, as indicated by the Ride Leader, until Tail-end Charlie arrives and flashes you. Re-join just in front of TEC. Remember who you are following before you do your corner marshal duty, and when they go past, Tail-end Charlie should be following them shortly. If they don’t go past something is wrong. Wait on the corner until someone arrives.
3. Tail-end Charlie (TEC) to wear fluoro vest and flash lights at corner marshals. Slow down and let corner marshal join in front of you.
4. If there is a problem (break down or accident ) Tail-end Charlie should assess situation and continue where possible as soon as they can.
6. Only Tail-end Charlie should wear fluoro vest. If you wear a fluoro vest the same colour when riding, you should stay just in front of Tail-end Charlie.