Ulysses Club Adelaide Branch Home Page

Postal address: 2 Hughes Court, Craigburn Farm, SA 5051.
Social meetings are held monthly, 7.30pm start, each first Thursday in the month. Come early and have dinner with us from 6pm.
Click here for more info and a map link.

Website last updated: 10th October 2024.

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10/10/24 Received from Reg Bennet, Tue 8th Oct:

My sad duty to inform all members of the Adelaide,Torrens Valley and Fleurieu branches that Rod Stone passed away this morning.
He had been quite unwell for some time. He was admitted to the RAH last week with renal failure.

Rod was well known to members of all 3 branches. He rode a white Suzuki Burgman 650; quite fast sometimes!!!.
His jovial manner and sense of humour will always be remembered.
Rod gave up riding a few years ago now but I have kept up regular contact with him.

Please pass this on to all concerned.
Reg Bennett
Ulysses member 038143

Details of Rod's funeral:

4/10/24 Torrens Valley/Adelaide Christmas Dinner will take place on Friday 13th December 2024 at 6:30 for a 7:15pm dinner.
Location: Somerset Hotel, 505 Bridge Rd, Para Hills 5096.

The Christmas Dinner will consist of a 2-course meal, with a choice of 3 main meals and 2 desserts for $40 per head.
Please wear your best glitzy clothing, a prize will be given to the 2 best dressed attendees.

Santa will attend.
If you wish to bring a $10 Kris Kringle please label if it is specifically a male or female gift.

Following dinner there will be 2 musicians, Hobbit and Jacquie, from Fleurieu Branch,
so we are looking forward to listening, singing or dancing to them.

Payment will need to be finalised by the December Social Meeting on 5th December.
Please give names and money to Yvonne Pascoe/Maurice Stevens.

Frank Pellas is looking for interested participants in the Million Dollar Bogan Charity Ride on 12th January 2025.
Please refer to the PDF for details.

22/9/24 Torrens Valley Branch 20th Anniversary Celebration:

The Torrens Valley Branch is celebrating their 20th anniversary 6:30pm, Friday 11th October at Parafield Gardens Community Club, 65 Shepherdson Rd, Parafield Gardens and has kindly invited Adelaide Branch members to join the festivities. Some of our members will be attending the event.

Rather than having our own Friday Dinner, if you would like to attend, the cost is $40 per head.

Please note: numbers and payment are required by our next meeting on 3rd October. Kindly provide these to Yvonne Pascoe, who will be in attendance.

Tuesday Morning Teas
Adelaide Branch Mornings Teas are happening on the third Thursday of the month.
Oct 15th will be at La Crema, 8 Denis St, St Marys. From 10am. Just come along. All welcome.

13/8/24 The next SABC is at Cucina Fine Foods, Newton.
We were there last December and people have asked me about it since. Popular place.

Needless to say, the August magazine is on the magazine page.
It is always available bi-monthly soon after Thursday night meeting.
Maurice does a fine job with it, and would appreciate articles for it -Don't have to be bike related.
The other place we sneak stuff in, is on the Photo Gallery. Rides, SABCs etc get documented there. Have a look.
Also, the Rides Calendar page and Calendars get updated without this page changing. They will always be the latest info source.

13/5/24 Frank has posted a video of his recent trip to Mallacoota.
You can view it here.

5/4/24 Our April Odyssey magazine is on the magazine page. Who is that fat guy on the cover at the left?

You can download Maurice's recent interview about Ulysses at Coast FM here. (21MB)

3/4/24 From Briony Hunt:
My dear Father, Peter Roland Phillips recently passed away after a long battle with cancer.
Dad was a member of the Ulysses club for many years, during the 90’s, doing lots of rides and loved his Ulysses jacket with the logo.
On behalf of his widow, Brenda Phillips and our families, I would like to extend an invitation to any members that may remember Dad to attend his memorial service in the Veale Gardens, South Terrace on Saturday 27th April from 1100 - 1200. There will be an unveiling of a plaque that is being erected on one of the benches, opposite O'Halloran Street on the North side of the parklands, near one of the fountains. There will be signage up to indicate the location and if you can all come on your bikes, he would have loved that! The louder the better.

2/3/24 The SABC breakfast today at North Haven Surf Lifesaving Club was pretty good. Photos in the Gallery.
The April breakfast is at our old favourite, Oasis Gardens, Belvidere.

2/2/24 The 2024 committee is on the Committee page.

23/1/24 Frank Pellas has posted a video of his ride to the Million Dollar Bogan's fundraiser at Geelong, on a trip with Bernie & Maurice.

Don't forget the SABC breakfast at Plant4, Bowden, Sat Feb 3rd.

7/1/24 The feedback on our meeting at the Mile End Hotel has been pretty positive.
So our next meeting, the branch AGM, will be there.
We scraped in with enough committee nominations to stay alive.

The nominations for our 2024 committee are:
President, Maurice Stevens;
Secretary, Ken Wagnitz;
Treasurer, Robin Butler;
Welfare Officer, Ian Pascoe;
General Committee, Ray Murray, Gary Priest.
-So no voting required at our AGM. But come along anyway.

22/12/23 January meeting venue:
Our Jan 2024 meeting will be at The Mile End Hotel, 30 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End.
We have a room to ourselves, seniors prices, and Thu special of $25 burger and beer.
Plenty of parking around back of the hotel.

Branch AGM at Feb meeting:
The January meeting is the last chance to get in nominations for our 2024 committee.
Gary won't be standing as president. Peter will be leaving, travelling around Oz.
We need more committee members, and a new president. Failing that, we hand over $6k to UCARF and become an informal branch.
Have a serious think about it.
You can download a nomination form here.

12/12/23 Our December Odyssey magazine is on Our Magazine page. Thanks Maurice.

We need nominations for our 2024 committee! Gary will be resigning as president, Peter will be on the road. Time for some new blood (or old) to step up.
You can download a PDF of the nomination form here.

Our Thursday meeting venue is changing. Please check with the website before the January meeting.

11/11/23 Hope you remembered Remembrance Day, folks.

The December SABC breakfast is at Newton. See the SABC page.
Maurice would like articles and stories for the magazine. Doesn't have to be purely bike related.
We are gradually getting rides filled in for 2024. Rob would be happy to hear from anyone who will lead a ride.

6/10/23 Our October Odyssey magazine is on Our Magazine page. Thanks Maurice.

After the informative talk last night (thanks Mark & Mary), there is a link to Bloodbikes Australia on our Links Page.

3/10/23 Been a bit quiet here lately!
We hope to have a speaker at our Thursday night meeting.
Bloodbikes Australia

10/8/23 Jim Eccles has informed me that long time member Tom Gouras died in his sleep last night.
Tom had been in poor health for a long time. He went from home to hospital to nursing home, where he died.

5/8/23 The August SABC breakfast at Freeling was good. Some photos in the Photo Gallery.

The September SABC breakfast will be at the Tonsley Hotel.

4/8/23 Good meeting last night. Around 30 there.
Our August Odyssey magazine is on the magazine page. Thanks Maurice.

25/7/23 The 2023 Clare Odyssey online registration is live on the Odyssey page.

7/7/23 The August SABC breakfast is at Freeling. See the SABC page.

Wed 5th July was officially Colin Leaker's last ride with Ulysses, after his 90th birthday.
You can find a bit about him and the cake session in our Photo Gallery.

One of the select few who have a Ulysses 90'th medal.

8/6/23 Dom is running another 3 Peninsulas Ride, Fri 22nd - Sun 24th September 2023. Click here for a flyer.

26/4/23 Frank took video of Adelaide Branch's Sunday ride. You can view it here.

And as usual for the Sunday rides, Peter's photos and ride report can be viewed in our Photo Gallery

21/4/24 A livestream of the service for Brian Coates will be at

21/4/23 The funeral for Brian Coates is at 11am Thursday 27th at Distinctive Funerals, 414 Port Road, West Hindmarsh.
Viewing 10am to 10.45am for those who want to say last goodbyes.
Some of us will be going to the Hope Inn, 348 Port Rd Hindmarsh, after the funeral. (Their kitchen closes at 2pm.)

Brian Coates, long time member and friend of many, died at home yesterday afternoon.
We have fond memories of his cheeky smile and happy demeanour.
He brought Thao into the Club a little over 12 years ago and their love, dedication and adoration for each other was envied.
We send love and sympathy to Thao and daughter Sarah.

The Relatives and Friends of the late Mr CHRIS SHERMAN are advised that a Funeral Liturgy to celebrate his life will be conducted
in Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, 420 Seaview Rd, Henley Beach on FRIDAY, April 28th, 2023 at 10:30 am.
(Private cremation)
If desired, memorial donations to the Cancer Council, SA would be appreciated.

10/4/23 Sorry to say that Chris Sherman died tonight at 6pm. He has been ill with cancer for some time.
Our best wishes are with Deb.

5/4/23 The RV mob had a weekend at Mt Compass, so our SABC breakfast was held there too.
You can find a few photos in our gallery.

Don't forget, ride photos appear in our gallery after every Sunday ride (thanks Peter).

Do you have any incriminating pictures for the gallery? If so, contact the .

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